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HomeTrip Planning Info

Trip Leaders' Information

  • Submit your Trip Idea or Plan


    Multi-Day / Overnight Trips

       • Submit a proposal for an overnight or extended trip to the club trip coordinators. (Online survey format)

       • Submit a proposal for an overnight or extended trip to the club. (MS Word doc.-complete form in MS Word or print and fill-in by hand)


    One-day or evening event

       • Submit a proposal for a one day (or evening) trip to the club.  (Online survey format)

       • Submit a proposal for a one day (or evening) trip to club. (MS Word document--complete form in MS Word or print and fill-in by hand)

       • Submit a "Quick Event" to the club schedule to the club.  For simple day/evening events please use the one-day forms above.


    Trip Policies and Tips for Leaders

    For most answers to trip questions please review the following resources, if additional assistance is needed contact the Trips Coordinators at

    Trip Waiver Forms